Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Contemporary Vanitas Paintings


Laurie Hogin is a contemporary artist who creates work commenting on socio-political issues through fusing traditional dutch baroque still life objects, compostion, lighting, and brush technique with contemporary subject matter, color pallete and a bizzare use of animals and the fantasty realm to create deep symbolic meaning. Check out Hogin's website; look at her images, read some of her writings, and write an aesthetic response and a summary of what you think Laurie Hogin's artwork is about. Why do you think she fuses the "old" with the "new"?


  1. Laurie Hogin uses a very bizarre-like detail in animals to display metaphors and allegories about individuals and imply narratives through her images.
    The animals have historic significance in their meaning (example: the monkeys are represented as imitators of our consumer culture) and are combined with our current culture and our desires. Animals also are snarlingly towards the viewer in attempts to show a symbol of hate towards the way they are iconisized in society.
    These images reflect our society and the individuals themselves. She demonstrates how our culture is consumer based (like off of pills or fashion) and develops a narrative in a single image. With using the statures and status' of animals, it reflects how they imitate us in our culture and show disgust almost

  2. Laurie Hogin is gives me the impression of an extremely unique artist, based on her works presented above. She uses bright colors in all of her paintings that stand out tremendously. In her work, I can tell that she fuses the “old” with the “new”. For example: in the paintings with the skull. This shows that humans have evolved from apes.
    My favorite painting is the one with the monkey holding fries and having a double cheeseburger and a bottle of coke. This illustrates how society has evolved into this “fast-food” world.

  3. The artist uses vivid color such as hot pink combine with these screaming monkeys, twist-necked flamingos, rabbits, and skeleton.
    When I attracted by the color, and I get closer, at the same time, I m kinda scared of what I seeing.

  4. when i see the his painting somehow it looks pretty
    and color combination is makes me calm but when i look
    more closer it's kind of scary too and this monkeys fur
    is really pretty and way of his style of brush technique
    very smooth and i assume that kevina will like this animal

  5. I think these art express their ideas will, and I personally like it. I like the way the artist use the old technique to make some animal with the weird looking. I also intresting her ideas about her works. She use the creepy animal to express the political and commersial issues. They are meaningful, valueble, strong expression and powerful.

  6. Laurie Hogin's artworks are extremely unique. The color she used were really expressive and bizarre. Not only the colors of the paintings are special, but the subjects of her paintings are unique as well. She chose animals such as monkey, crocodile, crane, rabbit, etc. and placed a skull near them. At first, I did not understand what she were saying through the paintings; but after read her writings, I am getting closer to the meanings of the artworks.
