Wednesday, June 29, 2011

let the blogging begin

hello my lovely art students. i hope you have been enjoying your summer vacation so far! i have been very busy so far. as soon as school was out i began packing up all of my things and moved everything into storage. i have been staying at nick's house, commuting 50 minutes to work at joann's almost every day, but i just signed a lease for an apartment much closer to joann's and school. i will be moving tomorrow! it has been great spending so much time with nick, but i am looking forward to having access to my things, having my own space (there are 4 of us here, and 2 dogs), and being able to focus more on getting ready for the next school year!

i created this blog as a way for us to communicate throughout the summer and school year. i am considering having you each create your own blog, so i will let you know if i decide to do that. in the meantime, you need to become a follower to this blog and i will continue sending you information this way. think of this blog as a collaborative visual journal; it's like a class-wide sketchbook, gathering place for critique and feedback, safe and somewhat private (just us) journal for you to express ideas, issues, and post art work, and an overall way for us to document the process and journey of being artists together.

please respond to this post to let me know that you have read it and are signed up to be a "follower". i will be assigning homework throughout the school year involving posting on the blog. i called it heART beat because the desire to make and create runs through our blood and there is a deeply emotional connection between our hearts and our art. listen to the beat, trust it, and start creating.

i will be in touch with you again soon. ~o'd