Friday, March 9, 2012

Hobo Chic

The link below is an article about a fashion movement you may even be participating in and don't even know it, called Hobo Chic. Read the article, look at the pictures and maybe look at some other images of this fashion style. What is your aesthetic response? Do you like it or not? Why? What is the purpose of the movement? Do you feel there is anything contreversial about the movement? Why or Why not? How does/ can fashion function as art?


  1. From the provided article, it argues how this fashion style is 'inappropriate and insensitive' to the actual problem in society which is poverty. To be truthful, I agree with that because of how they take a depressing issue of the world and change it into a fashion statement. Everyday there are people who look like that, maybe worse, because they do not have the necessary jobs to pay for clothes or food. To me, it's a style that mocks the issue, however it wasn't intended to be like that; it's meant to display beauty of fashion through poverty. I think it's important to recognize the problem, however there could be another way of displaying it's intentions.
    Fashion has a lot of impact on people everywhere you go. Proposing a fashion statement on poverty is quite a stretch, but it's meant to display beauty or inspiring techniques. I understand that fashion can come in many styles, but this doesn't seem quite proper unless the artist is trying to explain a reason behind the issue and style.

  2. Fashion = Luxury? High-class?
    Not at all. When you realize that all of the fashion you respect is coming from homeless people? "An artistic commentary on a situation is one thing, but using that art to sell clothes to the privileged and unaffected is just crass."
    Now fashion seemed only based on money. All who own money seen have the right to reach "real fashion". But it is so pointless.

  3. Vivianne Westwood designer likes to talk about social
    issue through her fashion because many of her fashion show
    was always issued because instead of focus on fashion she
    was very hurry to tell message to people
    and i think through the fashion it is easy to see and can understand
    better because when we visualize when fashion model wearing
    like homeless people it looks opposite what they should? wear
    however like in the article that message though selling something
    so pointless, because it's not beautiful nor special and instead of
    help homeless people trying to selling . so i think it is something
    easy to understand what they want to show people but i still
    like their picture to try to copy homeless people but still sexy looking.
